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Sulfur-Free Premium Angelica Sinesis (Dang Gui) 无硫磺 特级当归头 (切片)70gm
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   Penghantaran Percuma
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Penghantaran Dari
Anggaran Penghantaran
Jun 02, 2024 - Jun 09, 2024


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99 Unit lagi
RM 38
Gambaran Kedai
BZG Wellness
On Vacation
Produk 315
Pengikut 4
Penilaian 3.8
Sertai 4 Years Ago
Kadar Pembatalan 0%
Spesifikasi Produk
: Health & Beauty  >  Dietary Supplements  >  Immunity
: No Brand
: 577400533-1568102972165-0
Dimension (Length x Width x Height)
: 10.00 x 20.00 x 3.00
: 0.3
Manufacturing Country
: Malaysia
Warranty Type
: No Warranty
Warranty Value
: -
Warranty Description
: -
Hantar Dari
: Selangor

Deskripsi Produk

What is sulfur? Ever wonder why do people search for “sulfur-free” tags on Chinese herbs? Sulfur is a kind of natural minerals that is formed after a volcano eruption. Moderate usage of sulfur has antiseptic and anticorrosion properties, treats skin fungal infection, etc. As demands on herbs has been increasing throughout the years, unscrupulous business owners misuse sulfur excessively to prolong herbs’ shelf lives. Upon consumption over the time, this may harmful to our health. Baizigui specially brought in non-sulfur treated Chinese herbal to indemnify the product quality & safety.


Tonify blood, activate blood, alleviate pain, regulate menstruation, and moisten intestines.


A. Insufficiency of blood

It is an essential herb to tonify blood and indicated for all kinds of blood deficiency syndromes, especially for blood deficiency with blood stasis because it is skilled in tonifying blood.

B. Pain syndromes due to blood deficiency, blood stasis and congealing cold

It is indicated for all kinds of pain syndromes caused by blood deficiency, blood stasis and congealing cold with blood stasis because it can tonify blood, activate blood, dispel cold and alleviate pain.

C. Irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea

It is an essential herb in gynecology and indicated for irregular menstruation, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea because it can tonify blood, activate blood, regulate menstruation and alleviate pain. It is especial in these symptoms due to blood deficiency, blood stasis and cold congealment.

Besides regulating menstruation, it is also indicated for all kinds of syndromes due to blood deficiency and blood stasis before or after delivery.

D. Ulcers and sores

It can promote blood circulation, remove swelling, alleviate pain, tonify blood, improve tissue generation, and it is warm in property but skilled in tonifying blood and healthy qi.

E. Constipation due to intestinal fluid consumption

It is indicated for constipation due to blood deficiency with intestinal dryness, because it can tonify blood and moisten dryness, nourish intestines to smooth stool. It is combined with blood-nourishing, dryness-moistening and stool-smoothing herbs, for instance, it is used with raw He Shou Wu and Huo Ma Ren.

Besides, it is also indicated for cough and dyspnea because it can relieve dyspnea.

Cautions: It is contraindicated in cases of damp-heat stagnating in the middle, lung heat with phlegm fire, and yin deficiency with effulgent yang because it is warm and sweet in properties. In addition, it should be used with cautions in cases of loose stool because it can moisten intestines to smooth stool.

Ingredients: Sulfur-Free Angelica Sinesis / Dang Gui (Slices)

Suitable for vegetarian.

Validity period:2 years

Country of origin (country):China


当归是一种多年生草本植物,药用其根,主产于我国四川、甘肃、陕西、云南、湖北等省。根据产地和药用部位与加工炮制的不同,有当归、西当归、归头、归身、归尾、全当归、油当归、酒当归、炒当归、当归炭等多种名称。由于它对妇女的经、带、胎、产各种疾病都有治疗效果,所以中医称当归为“女科之圣药”,详细请看当归的功效与作用及食用方法的讲解,可以在本站中找到的。 祖国医学认为,当归味甘而重,故专能补血,其气轻而辛,故又能行血,补中有动,行中有补,为血中之要药。因而,它既能补血,又能活血,既可通经,又能活络。凡妇女月经不调,痛经,血虚闭经,面色萎黄,衰弱贫血,子宫出血,产后瘀血,例经(月经来潮时,出现口鼻流血)等妇女的常见病,都可以用当归。当归的吃法有很多









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