GETF1 ALL GLASS CLEANER is specially formulated to remove tough stain which cannot be removed using normal car shampoo and water such as bird drop, grease, oil, tar and etc. Windscreen will become crystal clear and shiny after application. Just like new!
GETF1 ALL GLASS CLEANER dirumus khas untuk menghilangkan cemaran yang sukar dicuci dengan air dan syampoo biasa seperti tahi burung, gris, minyak, tar dan lain-lain kotoran cermin. Cermin anda akan bersih dan bersinar seperti baru.
1) Spray GETF1 ALL GLASS CLEANER to the windscreen.
Semburkan GETF1 ALL GLASS CLEANER ke cermin kereta.
2) Wipe with force using up and down motion with a clean and dry cloth. Let it dryoff naturally. Repeat the step if needed.
Mengelap kuat dengan kain yang kering dan bersih dori alas ke bawoh. Biarkan kering. Ulangi langkah jika perlu.
3) Windscreen become clean and shine.
Cermin jadi bersih dan berkilat.