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Jun 26, 2024 - Jul 03, 2024



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5 Unit lagi
RM 21.9
Gambaran Kedai
5 days ago
Produk 494
Pengikut 27
Penilaian 5
Sertai 6 Years Ago
Kadar Pembatalan 0%
Spesifikasi Produk
: Groceries & Pets  >  Cereal & Confectionery  >  Butter and Jam
: Not Specified
: Not Specified
: TPCPG0271
Dimension (Length x Width x Height)
: 25.00 x 25.00 x 25.00
: 3.125
Manufacturing Country
: France, Metropolitan
Warranty Type
: No Warranty
Warranty Value
: -
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: -
Hantar Dari
: Johor

Deskripsi Produk

FRAISE-STRAWBERRY of which 65% is Strawberries and fruit syrup. Discover one of the Vitabio fruits: the strawberry Origins Strawberry grows everywhere in France. Among the most famous strawberries: - those of Plougastel, town of Brittany where strawberries are produced since 1740 - those of Périgord, the stalls of the market of Sarlat crumble under strawberries particularly perfumed in the month of June - the gariguette of the south of the France It acclimates well, it is easy to grow on your balcony or at your window sill. Did you know ? The strawberry was already present in the gardens of the Romans 3,000 years ago. MYRTILLE SAUVAGE-BLUEBERRY of which 65% wild blueberries and sugar syrup from fruit. Discover a fruit Vitabio: blueberry Origins "Blueberry" in France or "Blueberry" in Canada, this delicious little blue berry is actually a cranberry. Bilberry is native to Europe and Asia, Cornflower is an endemic species in Canada. In France, it is found in the wild in the Massif Central, the Vosges, the Pyrenees and the Alps. The blueberry crop appeared only in the 20th century because this small bay is difficult to cultivate. Did you know ? We pick up the blueberries with a big comb also called "riffle" in the East of France. ABRICOT-APRICOT 65% of which are apricots and sugar syrup made from fruit. Discover one of the Vitabio fruits: apricot Origins Native to northern China, the apricot tree was already growing wild 5,000 years ago. It was Alexander the Great who introduced it to the West after taking the famous Silk Road. Subsequently, the Arabs spread it throughout the Mediterranean basin, especially in southern Spain, where it was established sustainably given the very favorable climate. His arrival in France at the beginning of the sixteenth century did not have immediate success. But it is with the Sun King that the apricot really took off. In the seventeenth century, Jean-Baptiste La Quintinie, gardener of Louis XIV, made many plantations in the Potager de Versailles, and that's how the culture was launched in the Hexagon. Did you know ? The Romans called it praecoquum, which means "early", probably because of its early bloom in the spring. PECHE-PEACH 65% of which are peaches and sugar syrup made from fruit. Discover one of the Vitabio fruits: fishing Origins The fishing originates from China. It would have found nuclei identical to those present, dating from 1500 to 1000 BC. Fishing took the road of silk to conquer India, the Middle East and Europe thanks to the Greeks and Romans. It is cultivated in France since the sixth century. It is now rather present in the south of Europe. At the global level, China is the largest producer. Did you know ? Fishing was one of the favorite fruits of Louis XIV. He cultivated 33 varieties in the gardens of Versailles. Ideal to bring all the sweetness and the delicacy of the fruits to your sandwiches, crêpes, yogurt or for the confection of gourmet desserts. Product of FRANCE

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