Everlasting Flower Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser Humidifier (180ml) Rainbow color lights (second click on Light button) can use for essential oil 鉀旓笍Auto cut off available when the water level is low 2 mist spraying mode - continuous mode for around 12 hours - interval spray mode for around 24 hours The 鈥淔lower鈥?is made by real Petal, Beauty and can be saved forever inside this Aroma Diffuser 銆怲ips 銆?鈭欴o not directly add water to the water tank with a tap, use other containers to add water. 鈭欰dd room temperature water to the water tank, do not exceed the maximum water level. If the water level is exceeded, the aromatherapy machine will not work. 鈭歍he temperature and humidity of different environments will affect the concentration and working time of the spray, which is a normal phenomenon. 鈭欼f you do not use it for a long time, you should pour out the remaining water in the water tank completely and place the machine in a dry place. 鈭歐hen the power is turned on, the initial state of the aromatherapy machine is the standby state. 鈭欼f there is no water in the water tank, the aromatherapy machine will automatically shut down even if the power switch is turned on. Exquisite design The transparent cover with permanent flower decoration, the appearance is elegant and beautiful, and the hand feels smooth. Use the button to change the seven-color LED light, which is gentle on your eyes. Quiet design can provide quiet and high-quality sleep. Natural flavor Keep the strong natural aroma or essential oil for several hours to create a comfortable, peaceful and romantic environment for you to relax and rest. an aroma humidifier Purify, humidify the air, and continuously spray scented vapors and mists to ensure that the skin retains moisture and does not dry out. High-quality materials Made of high-quality PC and ABS materials, with a water tank 180ML, which can store essential oils or aromas, it is lightweight and durable, and can be use for a long time. widely used You can place the essential oil diffuser in the bedroom, office, yoga or any place you like, lightweight, with USB charging. as an excellent and thoughtful gift for your friends or family. wholesale price available (contact us for price list) 澶╂皵鐐庣儹闀挎椂闂村緟鍦ㄥ喎姘旀埧锛屽共鐕ョ殑绌烘皵闈炲父瀹规槗寮曡捣鍛煎惛閬撶柧鐥咃紝涔熷鏄撳鑷寸毊鑲ゅ共鐕?鏁忔劅銆?鍔犳箍鍣ㄥ彲浠ュ府鍔╂粙娑︾┖姘旓紝鎻愬崌瀹ゅ唴婀垮害锛屾粙娑﹀共鐕ョ┖姘旓紝骞朵笌绌烘皵涓紓娴殑鐑熼浘銆佺矇灏樼粨鍚堜娇鍏舵矇娣€锛岃兘鏈夋晥闄ゅ幓娌规紗鍛炽€侀湁鍛炽€佺儫鍛冲強鑷懗锛屼娇绌烘皵鏇村姞娓呮柊锛屼繚闅滄偍鍜屽浜虹殑鍋ュ悍銆?鍦ㄦ按涓坊鍔犳鐗╃簿娌圭瓑锛岄殢姘撮浘鏁e彂锛屾弧瀹ょ敓棣欙紝浣胯韩浣撴洿鏄撳惛鏀讹紝鏈夋不鐥呭吇绁烇紝淇濆仴鐞嗙枟鏁堟灉锛屽挨鍏跺浜庣毊鑲よ繃鏁忋€佸け鐪犮€佹劅鍐掋€佸挸鍡姐€佸摦鍠樺叿鏈夋瀬浣崇殑杈呭姪鏁堟灉銆?鐐庣儹鍜屽共鐕ョ殑澶╂皵锛屽鑷翠汉鐨勭毊鑲ゆ按浠借繃搴︽祦澶憋紝鍔犻€熺敓鍛界殑琛拌€侊紝婀挎鼎鐨勭┖姘旀墠鑳戒繚鎸佺敓鏈虹泿鐒讹紝婊嬫鼎鑲岃偆锛屼績杩涢潰閮ㄧ粏鑳炶娑插惊鐜拰鏂伴檲浠h阿锛岃垝缂撶缁忕揣寮犮€佹秷闄ょ柌鍔筹紝浣夸綘瀹瑰厜鐒曞彂銆?姘哥敓鑺卞姞婀垮櫒 -鍙皟鏁寸伅鍏夐鑹?褰╄櫣鐏厜鍙樺够棰滆壊 -闆捐川缁嗚吇锛屾棤闇€妫夋锛岀簿娌圭洿鎺ュ姞鍏ユ按涓洿鏂逛究 -姘哥敓鑺辩殑瑙嗚浜彈鍙互鎻愬崌澶у鎰夋偊鐨勫績鎯?/span>