PZEM-015: Measuring Range 300A (use external shunt, can matched with 50A, 100A, 200A, 300A four kinds of shunt).
Function description:
Measuring range: 0-200V. (when the test voltage is less than 8V, please use the independent power supply mode)
Display format: less than 10V display as: 9.99V
less than 100V display as: 99.9V
greater than 100V display as: 199V
Minimum resolution:0.01V
The starting test voltage: 0.05V
Measurement accuracy:1%
Measuring range: 0-300A can set 50A, 100A, 200A,300A four range depend on the external shunt, the factory default is 100A.
Display format: less than 1A display as: 999mA
<10A display as: 9.99A
<100A display as: 99.9A
≥ 100A display as: 199A
Minimum resolution: 1mA
The starting test current: 20mA
Measurement accuracy:1%
Measuring range: 0-60000W
Display format: < 10W display as: 9.99W
< 100W display as: 99.9W
< 1000W display as: 999W
< 10000W display as: 9.99kW
≥ 10000W display as: 19.9kw
Minimum resolution: 0.01W
The starting test power: 0.2W
Measurement accuracy:1%
Impedance=Voltage/ Current
Measuring range: 0-1000ohm
Display format: < 100ohm display as: 99.9ohm
≥ 100ohm display as: 999ohm
When over the test range or the current is zero, it display "---"
Minimum resolution: 0.1ohm
Measurement accuracy:1%
Internal Resistance:
Internal resistance= (Full voltage - Bring load voltage) / Bring load current, when the bring load voltage is larger than the maximum voltage, the internal resistance is zero.
Measuring range: 0-999 milliohm
Display format: 999 milliohm , when over the test range or the current is zero, it display "---".
Minimum resolution: 1 milliohm
Measurement accuracy:1%
Before you test the internal resistance, you should preset the full voltage depend on the battery type, after it is fully charged youcan use it to test;
if you do not fully charge it, you can set the battery without load voltage is the full voltage, then test; the internal resistance is not a fixed value, the more the battery discharged, the bigger the resistance.
Measuring range: 0-1000AH
Display format:
< 1AH display as: 999mAH
< 10AH display as: 9.99AH
< 100AH display as: 99.9AH
< 1000AH display as: 999AH
Minimum resolution: 1mAH
Measurement accuracy:1%
Battery capacity testing is a cumulative process of discharge current versus time, it need some time, the time is depend on the discharge current;
Before you test the capacity, you should preset the full voltage and the cut-off voltage depend on the battery type, after it is fully charged you can use it to the discharge test; When the dump energy display blank, it means the discharge is over, this capacity display value is the battery's capacity.
Dump energy:
Dump energy is display via the battery symbol, totally 10 grids, every grid present 10% energy.
Dump energy is calculated via the current battery voltage value, before test you should preset the full voltage and the cut-off voltagedepend on the battery type;
every grid voltage = (the highest voltage - the lowest voltage) / 10.
Accumulate energy consumption:
Measuring range: 0-9999kWh
Display format: < 1kWh display as: 999Wh
< 10kWh display as: 9.99kWh
< 100kWh display as: 99.99kWh
< 1000kWh display as: 999.99kWh
≥ 1000kWh display as: 9999kWhOver the test range will become zero.
Minimum resolution: 1Wh
Measurement accuracy:1%
Note: 1Wh=0.001kWh=0.001 Kilowatt
Running time:
Measuring range: 0 ~ 999 hour (without load the time will not accumulate)
Display format: 0:00:00 ~ 999:59:59
Over the test range will become zero.
Operating Instructions:Setting the full and cur-off voltage