Champs Multivitamin is Halal and formulated with all essential vitamins to promote growth, healthy skin, tissue repair and immune system.
Comes in Strawberry flavours with 100 tables in a bottle.
To be taken once daily, before or after food:
Age 1 - 3 years: 1 tablet
Age 4 – 12 years: 1-2 tablets
or as directed by physician.
Champs Multivitamin adalah Halal dan diformulasi dengan vitamin asas untuk pertumbuhan badan dan perbinaan tisu.
Berperisa Strawberi dengan 100 tablets sebotol.
Diambil sekali sehari, sebelum atau selepas makan:
Umur 1 - 3 tahun: 1 tablet
Umur 4 - 12 tahun: 1-2 tablet
atau mengikut arahan doktor