PortMeirion 10 inch Dinner Plates. Seconds Quality.
Imported from UK
Poppy (Papaver Rhoeas) design.
Ready stock.
Please look at the pictures and purchase if satisfied with the condition of the seconds quality item. We cannot guarantee which plate you will get of this design.
What is Seconds Quality?
What is the difference between a first and a second? All pottery is manually inspected and only pieces which pass the highest standards are classified as first quality. An item is classified as a second where there is a marginal fault to the finish, the decoration or the shape. The fault is not structural, i.e. each piece still functions as intended and is usable. Unfortunately, seconds cannot normally be exchanged.
Apa itu Kualiti Seconds / Kedua?
Apakah perbezaan antara yang pertama dan yang kedua? Semua tembikar diperiksa secara manual dan hanya kepingan yang memenuhi standard tertinggi diklasifikasikan sebagai kualiti pertama. Item diklasifikasikan sebagai kedua di mana terdapat kesalahan marginal pada kemasan, hiasan atau bentuknya. Kesalahannya tidak bersifat struktur, iaitu setiap bahagian tetap berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan dan dapat digunakan. Malangnya, kuality kedua tidak boleh ditukar.