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MHP Miracle Super Royal Honey 1030gm
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Oct 05, 2024 - Oct 12, 2024


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2 Unit lagi
RM 85
Gambaran Kedai
healthy & Beauty Shop
5 days ago
Produk 377
Pengikut 11
Penilaian 4.9
Sertai 3 Years Ago
Kadar Pembatalan 0%
Spesifikasi Produk
: Health & Beauty  >  Dietary Supplements  >  Nutritional Food & Drink
: Not Specified
: Not Specified
Dimension (Length x Width x Height)
: 10.00 x 10.00 x 10.00
: 3
Manufacturing Country
: Malaysia
Warranty Type
: No Warranty
Warranty Value
: -
Warranty Description
: -
Hantar Dari
: Perak

Deskripsi Produk
The worker bees picking flowers 5-15 days after birth, worker bees put the honey into its large head and large jaws towards swallow gland secretions and so produces Wild Royal Honey which is used to keep bees after the food; Worker bees and queen bees are made of fertilization and development, if the larval stage entirely in Wild Royal Honey for food, it will develop into queen bees; If they take general food, they will develop into worker bees. Queen bee have the life span of three to five years, spawning three million lives; the worker bees will eat pollen and honey, life expectancy is only sixty days. Wild Royal Honey is yellow-white viscous liquid, slightly astringent spicy sweet and sour; has the best water level content below 20. Its density is small enough to cause bacteria cannot survive in the Wild Royal Honey, so it is a natural preservative; if you have any skin burns, acne redness, swelling, athlete's foot and other skin diseases, spread the Wild Royal Honey on it and so it can be recovered very soon because it has great anti-bacterial and wound healing effect. Natural ingredient contain in Wild Royal Honey: Natural Glucose, Fructose, Protein, Vitamins, Organic Acids. It also contains decanoic acid, which is the rarest, as decanoic acid (10-HDA) exists only in the nature of Wild Royal Honey; thus it is very valuable. Decanoic acid feature: For those of dedicated, can rapidly restore the physical, can promote skin shine bright, a cosmetic effect, promote gastrointestinal smooth, improve sleep quality, promote child development, enhance mental; can resume normal male and female hormones, aging, enhance sexual performance. Usage: for each adult 30 CC to 100 CC, half of the consumption for children; do not give to children under 1 year old. Usage: for each adult 30 CC to 100 CC, half of the consumption for children; do not give to children under 1 year old. Physical strong body > A significant effect on gout >Effective anti-cancer >Enhance Fertility >Improve human immunity, increase fitness, reduce fatigue >Elimination of prostates symptoms >Anti-fever >Can kill Malaria bacteria 工蜂出生5-15日采花时,将花蜜和工蜂大咽头与大颚腺分泌物混合,是为蜂皇乳,用以饲养蜂后的食物;工蜂与蜂后都是蜜蜂受精发育而成,如果幼虫期完全以蜂皇乳为食物,则会发育为蜂后;若取一般食物,则发育成为工蜂。蜂后的寿命可达三至五年,一生产卵三百万粒;而工蜂则食花粉与蜂蜜,寿命只有六十天。蜂皇乳为黄白色黏稠状液体,味辛酸甜微涩辣;含水量二十度以下为佳;成熟采下时有花香味。它的密度很小,足以让细菌不能在蜂皇乳中生存,所以它也是天然防腐剂;凡有皮肤烫伤,暗疮红肿,香港脚等皮肤疾病;抹上野山蜂皇乳,都能轻易痊愈。 东革蜂皇液有八大功效 : 成份:天然葡萄糖,果糖,旦白质,维生素,有机酸,灰分;更含有癸烯酸,最为难得,因为癸烯酸(10-HDA) 在自然界中只存在蜂皇乳中;非常珍贵。 癸烯酸的功能:对劳心劳力者,能迅速恢愎体力,可促进皮肤光泽亮丽,有美容效果,促进肠胃畅通,改善睡眠素质,促进儿童发育,增进脑力;能使男女贺尔蒙恢愎正常,延缓衰老,加强性能力。 用法:成人每次30CC至100CC,儿童减半;未满一岁不要食用。
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- / 5.0
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